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Emma is more than qualified to pass on her positive mindset philosophy having travelled extensively, acted, been an entrepreneur, business coach and mum.
She can be seen MCing events across the world including European Women in Sales Awards and European Women in Engineering and Construction, she keynotes at events across all business sectors and her successful consultancy Truth Works runs exclusive retreats four times a year, for CEO’s Entrepreneurs and senior business people who are looking to go from good to great in their own journey.
Her TEDx talk “Be More Banana” is the only TEDx talk where the speaker is dressed as a Banana.
Emma speaks on the following broad topics, these are always customised to particular organisations, on positive mindset, Improvisation, Storytelling, Be the Best You and Play More – your teams will operate better as a real-world, deliverable benefit.
For more about Emma go to her main bio page HERE
She is able to follow her own advice in the VLOG in the fact that she can deliver inline keynotes and coaching via Zoom or your preferred supplier.