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He was reporting to SKY Cinema and got to chat with the main man himself plus the on-screen stars and directors.
It’s a regular role for Craig having covered nearly every premiere of the last few years and was followed up later in the week with an in-depth interview with superstar Will Smith.
Craig is a regular on the Awards hosting shortlist with our clients, so if you want to take a closer look at what he does go to his main bio page HERE.
Craig Stevens is actually only one of a brilliant line up of red carpet hosts and presenters we have on the team if for example, you’d prefer a female how about Lizzie Cundy?
We also have experienced red carpet presenters based in the Middle East, New York, Hollywood, USA and mainland Europe. Many of them are multilingual so can broadcast to different audiences seamlessly making your TV production logistics a breeze!
If you need in-depth film and movie journalism then consider Ali – here you can see him at the Cannes Film Festival interviewing Catherine Zeta-Jones
So if you need a red carpet host in London or elsewhere in the world then come to Great British Presenters!